Vertical scrolling shooter with all 5 pages

Shootung fights on all 5 sides with normal shots that power up by 5 stages and sub-weapons that power up by 3 stages.
You can consume a gauge to generate a circle called "Z-ZONE", and items captured within that range can be turned into high-scoring items.

*Select from 3 modes: "NORMAL", "ZOGEN" where the game rank changes, and "ZUTTOZ" where the highest rank is fixed.

*6 types of sub-weapons
[0] Fires a bullet that attacks in the opposite direction of your aircraft's movement.

[1] Emits a huge laser.

[2] Damages enemies and enemy bullets with a barrier.

[3] A ball rotating around your aircraft deals damage to enemies and enemy bullets.

[4] Fires a bullet that explodes when it hits an enemy.

[5] Fires a bullet that guides the enemy.

*Detailed explanation can be found in the Community Hub guide.

*Depending on the contents of the version update, the replay may differ from the actual play.
Please record important replays on video as soon as possible.


Max: 4,29€


Min: 4,29€