World Soccer Strikers '91 Demo

WSS'91's DEMO is finally out! Action and graphics on par with the arcades! Co-op multiplayer in your own living room! Full version released on August 18th 2021!

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This is a DLC for World Soccer Strikers '91.
Have you checked out the demo of WSS'91?

- Great fast paced action and incredible graphics! - It's just like playing in the arcades! You can try 2 of the 70+ available teams on this demo!

- The demo only has 2 co-op multiplayer, but I've heard you'll be able to play with up to 7 other people on the full version!

- Right now you can only play kick off games, but the full version has Tournaments and Leagues!

Yeah, it's the Official game for next year's 1991 Superstar Soccer Cup. What if when the game is out, we both pay for half and we swap it every other week?