Wolfstride Illustrated Script + Wallpapers

With a fully-voiced, multi-character script spanning hours, there are dozens of character evolutions and plot lines to enjoy in Wolfstride just by playing. And if you still can't get enough, this DLC also includes high-res wallpapers so you can enjoy Wolfstride's gorgeous art day in and day out.

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This is a DLC for Wolfstride.
With a fully-voiced, multi-character script spanning hours, there are dozens of character evolutions and plot lines to enjoy in Wolfstride just by playing. However, fans of the game and narrative enthusiasts can dig even deeper by reading a pre-VO script to see how the process of recording the voices and polishing the story changed the game and its narrative arc over time. Throughout the script, players and readers can also find pencil sketches from early development, offering an inside look at how visual and narrative concepts come together to ultimately form a compelling and interactive story. And if you still can't get enough, this DLC also includes high-res wallpapers so you can enjoy Wolfstride's gorgeous art day in and day out.


Max: 3,29€


Min: 0,98€