Welcome To... Chichester 3 : Plenty Of Time To Live

The concluding episode of the WTC series. Grendel finally releases her plan, whilst two of the protagonist's enemies make theirs, as does Lorinda. With so much trouble on the horizon, will the protagonist be able to get through the day in one piece ?

WTC 3 is the concluding chapter of the Welcome To... Chichester series.

The protagonist's final day of his/her holiday has finally arrived. Despite being abducted by Grendel, it has been - after the initial shock - fun.
However, dark clouds are on the horizon, as Grendel reveals her final plan whilst two of the protagonist's enemies also make their moves.

Meanwhile, at The Phoenix Custodian's base, Lorinda believes the protagonist is about to betray her organisation.

Your final day has arrived.

  • Funny and dramatic conclusion to the series


Part of The Screaming Vocalists, and is looking for revenge


Misericordia's partner in The Screaming Vocalists. Despite not agreeing with Misericordia's actions, she still stays with her.


The strain of keeping so many secrets plus various other events starts taking it's toll on her


Loves giving tours of Chichester


Max: 1,59€


Min: 1,59€