Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part II : No Regrets For The Future

Taking place on the second day of the protagonist's holiday, who starts reminiscing with Grendel Jinx about how they first met. Inevitably, their discussion turns to a dark period in their lives, where tragedy and betrayal nearly cost them their friendship - and a lot more.

This visual novel continues from where Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part I left off, but you don't need to have played the previous version in order to follow the story - a recap is available if needed

Taking place on the second day of the protagonist's holiday, who wakes up with a nasty headache, which is not helped by the presence of the protagonist's "nemesis" - the megalomaniacal, kleptomaniac and cake mix loving Grendel Jinx. Whilst waiting for breakfast to be served, talk to turns to how you both met and eventually the conversation veers into a period where your budding "friendship" was nearly permanently severed.

Suffering a string of defeats by Grendel, following by an unauthorised beating by her bodyguards, the protagonist's time is spent in the local hospital wondering what went wrong. Eventually coming to a very undesirable conclusion, the protagonist's secretary is tasked with finding out whether the protagonists' supposition is correct or not.

Meanwhile, Grendel gets news that her bodyguards have been killed, and with all evidence pointing to the protagonist, she sets out for revenge.

  • 11 bad endings
  • 3 variations of the good ending
  • 2 epilogues
  • Read just the story (but limit how the game ends) or go for the full experience with a simple fighting routine in several places
  • Funny and dramatic story, detailing how the duo of the protagonist and Grendel Jinx met
  • Extra dialogue through subsequent playthroughs
  • Developer notes available once the game has been completed
  • Bonus animation once the game has been completed
  • Haven't played the previous games ? Catch up with the short story recap
  • Help Grendel solve a manga problem
  • 64,000+ word story with around 3 to 4 hours gameplay

Young Grendel Jinx
Pupil of 'The Council Of The Unseen School For Gifted World Rulers', and heir apparent to 'The Council Of The Unseen', she is generally shunned amongst her peers due to her status and position within her organisation.

Older Grendel Jinx
Still keeping quiet about why the protagonists holiday plans were diverted

The Protagonist
Protagonist's first mission is to destroy a soon-to-be activated pulse emitter

Cindi Eglantine
The protagonist's tourist guide, as requested by Grendel


Max: 1,59€


Min: 1,59€


“Both in its own right and as a comparison point to the rest of the series and its offshoots, “No Regrets” has a lot to like”
N/A – Otome Lovers

“There are touching moments throughout the flashbacks intermingled with the crude humour and occasional disturbing moments for a young & vulnerable Grendel”
N/A – Have a Word

“Yeah the WTC series is quite fun, it makes a nice change from all these harem visual novels without depth!”
N/A – My Casual Reviews