Weirdo Demo

Parallel-Weirdo is a Japanese manga-style visual novel set in DYL High School. It follows Wang Zhe, an ordinary and frail boy, who tries to win the hearts of girls and complete his experiments. He gets entangled in bizarre events, plunging into darkness. Each choice you make determines his fate.

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This is a DLC for Weirdo.
Parallel-Weirdo is a black-and-white manga-style visual novel game set in a high school, adapted from the manga series of Parallel(诡闻斋).
The story takes place at Di Yingling High School, where the protagonist, Wang Zhe, is a boy with great ambitions but ordinary looks and a troubled family background.
He earned a spot at this elite school with his excellent grades, determined to complete his "grand" research project.
However, surrounded by talented peers and dazzling girls, can he maintain his composure?
How will he choose between love and career, or can he have both? Can this bookworm stand out in the fierce competition?
Through your choices, help him achieve a "nobody's rise"!

In the demo version, you will only experience a small patchwork of episodes from the entire story, having already gained a sense of the general tone of the game as a whole.
We hope you enjoy it.