Wars Across The World: Russian Battles

The Russian Battles DLC pack from Wars Across the World focuses on 5 key campaigns of the Russian army in our collection, including an exclusive and unique one not available as regular DLC. Ownership of WAW is required to play this package.

The Russian Battles DLC pack from Wars Across the World focuses on key campaigns of the Russian army in our collection. It contains the following scenarios:

  • Kavkaz 1804: Russian conquest of the Caucasus
  • Austerliz 1805: Russian armies rush to confront Napoleon
  • Tannenberg 1914: the Russian campaign against East Prussia at the start of WW1
  • Koenigsberg 1945: the Red Army campaign against East Prussia at the end of WW2 (scenario available the 9th of May)
  • Berlin 1945: the final assault of the Red Army on Berlin, April-May 1945

Ownership of WAW is required to play with this pack.


Max: 8,19€


Min: 8,19€