The game mode does not work or it is not a shooting game or other games it is [This game is a game of discovery FPS] a game calm discovery of the scenery and atmosphere and lighting effects good games to all[This game is an FPS discovery game] - ‘The game appears to be solely a walking simulator with no first-person shooter (FPS) functionality. There are no weapons and zombies cannot be shot.’.
Game information The game is developed by a person alone at home without taking a tutorial he managed to build and facilitate the gameplay he started from nothing and he has been advancing for three weeks he is alone encourage him and put his work forward it will help him in his project which is Vythzkel of City.
The history of the Vythzkel of city game The game opens onto a universe unlike any other, a world where there's no fighting or shooting or anything else, just simple, calm gameplay. Discover the atmosphere of the game's setting and follow the dialogue of the characters in the game's houses.
Here's to this game! (This game is a fps discovery game vythzkel of city this game you must hear the sound effects and scenery placed at each location on the map it has a gameplay chill calm relaxing if you are there for the war this game is not for fps enthusiasts in general sound atmosphere is unique it includes the sadness and hope that drives my game I redu homage to my mother and my boyfriend that I no longer currently visit the unusual place and good game to you.)