In a dystopian spacefaring future, mankind struggles to maintain their humanity. Take control of devastating spacecrafts, upgrade their loadouts and offer justice to the highest bidder. Become a space-traveling mercenary. Become the VOIDHUNTER.

In a dystopian spacefaring future, mankind struggles to maintain their humanity.

Take control of devastating spacecrafts, upgrade their loadouts and offer justice to the highest bidder. Become a space-traveling mercenary.


VOIDHUNTER is a fast-paced single-player spaceship shooter with roguelike elements and intense zero-g combat. You play as Vex, a grease-monkey turned bounty hunter, aided by a rogue AI with a mysterious origin and a thirst for destruction.

Collect credits, acquire increasingly powerful spacecrafts and construct highly customizable loadouts that may improve your chances in combat. Fill your pockets with coin, have your name heard across the galaxy, and make plenty of enemies along the way.