
Vitamins is a free control parameter scripting software that targets Live2d. It can help drive Live2d model in a accurate and creative way.

Vitamins is a free control parameter scripting software that targets Live2d.
It can connect to supported applications for IOS and Android as wifi or usb. Calibrate and Calculates capture data into control parameters via user-created scripts and sends them to VTube Studio.

In Vitamins script editor, short expressions or complex functions can be writen to customize parameters. With this feature, Live2d models can be endowed with powerful logic, more interactive animations, and more accurate capture experience.

Vitamins' pre-processing design allows riggers, actors, and parameter script developers to work independently in their own workflows. This makes Vitamins better suited for personal or small studio use.

If you are looking for more accurate capture performance or want to power a Live2d model with programming , try Vitamins!