A programming workplace horror comedy. Ascend through an eldritch tower. Input your movements ahead. Dodge unknown entities. Complain in the private chat. Get back to work.

Greetings, employee.

Welcome to the VERTIGROWL program. This laboral experience shall be the start of an impressive professional career in anomalous architectural management.

You will be assigned to one of the many teams working at the “Skyslasher”. Tasks might vary from group to group, but all of them have one thing in common: the use of our state-of-the-art transportation system. To prevent human error, you will be required to pre-program your route beforehand.

VERTIGROWL is not responsible from death by any of the following instances you will encounter during your work hours:
-Simple Sokoban-style puzzles
-Slow-paced bullet hell
-Restrictive movement system centered around planning beforehand
-2.5D artwork made from doodles and home-taken photos
-Eerie ambient music
-The flesh angels are coming

No previous laboral experience is required for this job.

This game is set on the same universe as: