Uriel's Chasm

Religious de-programming tool

Religious de-programming tool


Max: 4,99€


Min: 4,99€


“This is the kind of game that interrupts gameplay with actual footage of people calling it garbage. The kind that aspires to be viewed as "shovelware." The kind that claims to be "the unlicensed Bible game that should have been buried in the desert." The kind about space nuns saving orbital monasteries, featuring narration by no-wave godhead Jarboe. Uriel's Chasm, in other words, is the kind of game you should play immediately.”
Kill screen daily

“Those who appreciate indie games, particularly ones that push boundaries of what is acceptable for games, should pursue this. Uriel’s Chasm is an uncomfortable, avant-garde title that has hooked me. Chances are more unsuspecting players will continue to fall under its strange spell.”
Hardcore gamer

“Uriel's Chasm is an acquired taste, but something tells me this could find it's way to reaching cult classic status one day.”