Unity of Command II - Desert Fox

Your command: the Afrika Korps. Its leader: Gen. Erwin Rommel.

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This is a DLC for Unity of Command II.
March 1941. Italy’s imperial ambitions are in tatters. Her armies in Greece and Libya are shattered, her navy humiliated at Taranto and Cape Matapan, and her colonies in East Africa on the brink of surrender. Against all odds, the Allies hold the initiative in the Mediterranean.

Germany has big plans for 1941, and they don’t include a Mediterranean diversion. Still, Italy cannot be allowed to fail entirely. The Wehrmacht hurriedly sets about conquering Greece, and shoring up Italian defenses in Libya with a small mechanized force.

Its name: the Afrika Korps. Its leader: Gen. Erwin Rommel.

Axis forces in North Africa are a curious mix: the Afrika Korps was an elite and highly agile force, while the more numerous Italian divisions supporting it were often brave but poorly-led and not equipped for mobile warfare. Defeating the British here will require utmost skill making the most of inadequate supplies and forces of mixed quality.

Key Features

  • 25+ Axis scenarios in North Africa, East Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East
  • Historical 1941-43 Axis campaign, plus two separate alt-history tracks
  • Beautiful new Savoia-Marchetti SM.82 airplane and Littorio-class battleship models
  • A new Fliegerführer Afrika card
  • A brand new music track from Bruno Babić


Max: 9,75€


Min: 5,36€