Tungsten Moon

Tungsten Moon is a first-person, immersive spaceflight simulator set on a fictional moon, somewhere in the universe. Stay alive by exploring over 1 million square kilometers of open-world terrain, while at the controls of your personal SkyDart spacecraft.

Tungsten Moon is a spacecraft simulation, set on a small, fictional moon made entirely of tungsten metal. The moon is 600 km in diameter, with a surface gravity similar to Earth's moon. You are placed on the surface of Tungsten Moon, in a small spacecraft with enough fuel to travel to any other point on the moon. How did you get there? Why don't you know how to pilot the spacecraft? How will you get home? These and other questions await your investigation, as you learn to manage your ship, search for resources, find supplies, and answer the essential mystery of how you got in this mess, all while exploring over 1 million square kilometers of terrain.

Although you are on a strange moon in an alien solar system, your spacecraft seems to have been built in the final decades of the 20th century. The on-board computer provides some information and automations, but you will have to learn to fly it by the seat of your pants. Eventually, you may be able to upgrade or revise the ship's software, expand your map of Tungsten Moon, and even enter orbit around it.

Your spacecraft and lunar physics are 100% authentic. Spacecraft systems and sensors are modeled with a strict attention to detail and are faithful to the capabilities of 1980s technology. Safety margins are razor-thin, and the consequences of careless inattention come swiftly on Tungsten Moon.


  • The simulator is designed with game controllers, flightsim joysticks, and VR in mind, yet can be played with just a keyboard and mouse.
  • True open-world access to every square inch of Tungsten Moon.
  • Spacecraft physics is accurate and correctly simulates the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation, fully considering the decreasing mass of the ship in flight.
  • Orbital physics is modeled using RK4 Runge-Kutta fourth-order integration.
  • Moon rotation, orbit around its planet, and the planet's orbit around its sun are modeled with a physically accurate timescale.
  • Once the game begins, the world clock advances in real-time with every second you play. Over time, the sun sets, the planet rises, and the appearance of the sky is continually changing. Locations that are in bright sunlight at the start of the game, may be in complete darkness five hours later.
  • The spacecraft onboard computer software is user-extensible using a variant of the Forth computer language, which was once a popular platform for spacecraft avionics.