Trianga's Project: Battle Splash 2.0

Full-Physics Water FPS/TPS, Class-based Action-packed Arena Shooter, Run & Gun with Rocket Jump, Single/Coop or Multiplayers, Survivals Waves of Enemies, Lots of Game Modes, Endless Challenging, with an Anime Beautiful Cast, and More...!

100% Full-Physics Water Weapons!!!
Robot gameplay/PvPvE

Fast-paced FPS/TPS Single/Multiplayer/Co-op up to 4 players
Endless Swarms of Enemy

Run and Gun with Rocket Jump!


Max: 0,99€


Min: 0,74€


“Battle Splash sets out to be a fun and friendly shooter, and it does a great job at accomplishing it.”

“Battle Splash offers many different ways to soak the opponent, with four classes that will either help players drench their foes or keep themselves dry..”

“This is a great game for those looking for a team based shooter without having to worry about all of the violence currently seen in most if not all third and first person shooters.”