Transport Fever 2: Early Supporter Pack

Grant your transport empire more style with exclusive skins for 5 vehicles

Additional content

This is a DLC for Transport Fever 2.

Included in this pack are the following five exclusive skins:

  • The prototype design skin for the Lockheed Super Constellation plane

  • The iconic Atlantique design skin for the TGV Sud-Est train

  • An American GM Fishbowl bus in the design of Santa Clara county

  • An alternative skin for the MAZ 103 with a modernized look

  • A colorful skin for the Mercedes Benz eCitaro based on a design from Luxembourg

It is never too late for a second chance - by high request from the community we have decided to offer this package for purchase after September 23rd 2024. The package was previously exclusively available for players who preordered the Transport Fever 2 - Deluxe Edition.


Max: 4,99€


Min: 2,99€