Transmissions: Element 120

TE120 is a short single player experience set in the Half-Life Universe featuring a gravity defying weapon that allows you to jump buildings and sustain large falls. The story takes place at a mysterious date & location. Where are you? Why have you been sent?

Transmissions : Element 120 is a short single player experience set in the Half-Life Universe featuring a unique gravity defying weapon that allows you to jump buildings and sustain large falls. The story takes place at a mysterious date & location. Where are you? Why have you been sent?

To help bring the Source Engine up to date several new features are included:
  • Enhanced dynamic lighting
  • Integrated Source Shader Editor 0.5 for enhanced post processing & lighting
  • Improved support for complex physics structures
  • Support for super massive physics objects
  • Improved AI and situational awareness on multiple AI types


“When Transmissions ended, I cringed. I wanted more so, so badly.”

“A new mod called Transmissions: Element 120 was recently released, showing what a single developer can do with two years and a whole lot of dedication.”
Game Informer

“Transmissions actually contains some very creative and engaging sequences, reminiscent of the action, drama, and even horror that originally drew us all to the world of Half-Life.”