Timeline 拯救存档 -Manage your game save

A tool helps you avoid save file corruption/loss, death penalties

Timeline is a utility app designed to help you manage game saves.

  • Have you ever encountered a corrupted save file?

  • Want to try out someone else's save?

  • Or share your own amazing save?

  • Want to return to a specific moment in the game?

  • Or maybe you want to give yourself another chance to redo a choice?

The goal of this app is to solve these needs and make your gaming experience smoother.

Currently implemented features include:

  • Save backup and rollback

  • Auto-scanning for Steam and XGP games

  • Safe Vault

  • Route Mode

  • Notes feature

  • Workshop

We are currently in the feature completion and experience optimization phase, and welcome you to try it out.

Here are some screenshots of the features:

  • Use backups to return to any moment in the game, preventing dead saves, character deaths, and exploring different game choices

  • Automatically find your Steam games and related save locations

  • Backup your game saves at any time

  • Route Mode provides better management for branching-path games

  • Record your game notes and experiences



Max: 0,99€


Min: 0,99€