Tidy Backpack

Tidy Backpack is a relaxing puzzle game where you must organize found fantasy loot in your backpack in a tidy way. Find forgotten artifacts and learn details about the old world... at least supposedly!


Tidy Backpack is a relaxing puzzle game where you must organize found fantasy loot in your backpack in a tidy way. Find forgotten artifacts and learn details about the old world... at least supposedly!


  • 96 handcrafted levels
  • 33 unique items
  • Relaxing gameplay
  • Cute story
  • Cozy graphics
  • Chill music
  • Simple controls
  • Accessible mode


Find items from thousands of years ago and take them in your tidy backpack to find out what they were for in the old world. However, now we can only guess what all these artifacts served for...

How to play

1. Left-click and hold to grab an item (Alternatively, Left-click - pick up, Left-click - drop)
2. Right-click to rotate
3. Fit all the items on a level into the backpack
4. Enjoy your perfect fit!
