The Slothgate Experiment - Death's Door

welcome back to The Slothgate Experiment... Part 2 continues the story of the first slothgate. You are returned to slothgate, where a guard sabotages the rules, he is gonna help you escape, will you make it back and escape your traumas, or will you die in slothgate?

Additional content

This is a DLC for The Slothgate Experiment.
welcome back to The Slothgate Experiment... Death's Door continues the story of the first slothgate. You are returned to slothgate, where a guard sabotages the rules, he is gonna help you escape. The science behind the deadliest creature in the CreatureVerse will be revealed. will you make it back and escape your traumas, or will you die in slothgate? this game has more features than the first, which includes:
~Better AI Humans
~More Melee Weapons

And Most Importantly: Guns!


Max: 0,99€


Min: 0,79€