The Medic

The Medic: the first Coronavirus-themed topdown/platformer game published on Steam. Can you beat the anti-vaxxers and the virus to save the Earth?

The year is 2023. A malicious virus has spread worldwide. A small group of scientists, against all odds, discovered a new vaccine that could stop the virus and prevent the world from collapsing. They gave it to a young medic, and told him to delivery it to the laboratory, where it can be shared worldwide. But first, can he outsmart the anti-vaxxers and the virus itself? It's not to going to be easy, though.

The Medic is a top-down shooter/arcade with platformer elements. You become a young medic that must pass a series of challenges in order to delivery the vaccine of a virus to a laboratory, where it can be shared worldwide.



Fight for the salvation of mankind! You're going to need to pass through a series of challenges, involving arcade, shooter and platformer elements. Be prepared.


Max: 0,49€


Min: 0,49€