The First Confrontation

This is an FPS game with only one map, which is a test project for developers. Creative scenes! But playing is more common. You need to collect some materials to achieve your goal! It can't be your playmate for a long time, but it's a good start

The first confrontation is a first person shooting game. In this map, there are monsters and AI chariots as your main task resistance, and your task is to collect enough alloy materials for your organization

This is a NPMS (developer) test project

In order to show the current effect of the studio's technical learning, the game is released

!! This game will not be updated again!!!

Because NPMS will learn more and will not stay here

If you are interested in the future development of NPMS, you can purchase DLC to raise funds

More instructions in the last room after the mission

Demo doesn't mean trial version, it means my studio technology demonstration