The Bridge Curse Road 2: The Extrication The art of game Book

The Making of The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication is a production art book that offers an exclusive look on how the horror game was made. Its content includes developer interviews, concept art, game art, and other behind-the-scenes goodies that fans will enjoy.

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This is a DLC for The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication.
The Making of The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication is a production art book that offers an exclusive look on how the horror game was made.
Its content includes developer interviews, concept art, game art, and other behind-the-scenes goodies that fans will enjoy.

Developer Interviews:
Various interviews with the developers offer a glimpse into how the horror game came about.

Game Art:
2D and 3D renderings of both character and environment game art.

Concept Art:
Various concept art that were inspired by the story and lay paths for the game's final look.

Behind the Scenes:
From actor rehearsals, motion capture shoots, to animation fine-tuning, voice recording and final in-engine assembly, behind the scenes offers a closer look on how the final cut scenes came together.

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