Tape Recovery Simulator 96K is a game about recovering data off of reluctant old tapes.
Rediscover the lost art of loading data off tapes. Explore and reclaim hidden digital treasures or ignore worthless data.
Fight a single undefeatable boss and his management nonsense.
- Enjoy using a real simulated tape player with all the proper buttons (play, stop, ff, rew).
- Turbo tape loading speed speed of up to 1.6 kb/s.
- 8bit applications.
- Tutorials available for players without previous experience on loading data off tapes.
- Skippable tutorials for advanced players.
- Discover and enjoy Goatsketcher's fake art.
- Work and suffer for a pittance as an EES employee with an absurd boss and (semi-)impossible tasks.
- Tweak sound volume to appease the 8bit loading routine that is extremly unforgiving to data errors.
- Rediscover and use old data recoverty tricks.
- Absolutely no cutscenes.
- Dad time supported. Can be played for as little as a few minutes at a time.