Synthetic Data Generator

Don't be left out of the Artificial Intelligence revolution and start training models today!Machine Learning within everyone's reach!Generate thousands of images with our software and use the free Yolo v8 program to achieve object detection models.

Don't be left out of the Artificial Intelligence revolution and start training models today!

Anyone can do it. Take the first step in the introduction to the amazing world of Machine Learning.

Load your 3D files in GLB format, then generate many images with our Synthetic Data generator and finally, train Yolo with the images to generate recognition models.

The more images you generate, with different lighting and different backgrounds, the better results you will achieve.

Synthetic Data Generator creates the folders and files needed to train models with the freeware Yolo v8 (or earlier versions).
Each image will have its txt file with the corresponding bounding box, which Yolo will use to learn to recognize the determined object.
Once the generation of images is finished, everything will be perfectly ordered in the selected folder to make Yolo start the training.
You can generate images with up to 8 different products, so that with a single image you would be loading the information of up to 8 products at the same time.

3D files in the GLB format can be edited to achieve the greatest possible realism. Once edited you can save the configuration. This configuration will be taken into account when generating images.


Max: 28,99€


Min: 28,99€