The oracle foretold that the Demon Lord will rise again. People across the land are seized with fear. However, some heroes are rising up to the challenge, including a tanned female thief named Eve...
Eve Rukia, newbie adventurer, has a crush on the Hero. She started her adventure to get stronger and catch his attention but things aren‘t going well. Will she be able to become a hero or...
- 6 Outfits - "The less it covers, the more powerful it is!"
- 6 Violation Scenes - Eve's adventures don't always end well.
- 3 Special Events - Heart-pounding events between her adventures.
- 1 Nude Outfit - Technically, it's also an outfit.
- A simple rock-paper-scissors card battle RPG
- Costume Collection & Defeat Violation
Illustrations By Sayika
Produced By Smallsqurriel
Spanish Translator By MatiasDesu
Korean Translated By Nyanco Channel