Star Realms - Command Decks

This expansion allows you to play as a legendary commander in the Star Realms universe! Each of these 7 decks replaces a player's normal starting deck, and modifies the player's starting Authority and hand size. This expansion also adds Chapter 22 to the ongoing single-player campaign.

Additional content

This is a DLC for Star Realms.
The Alignment, The Alliance, The Coalition, The Pact, The Union, The Unity, and the Lost Fleet are 18-card Command Decks that allow you to play as legendary commanders in the Star Realms universe! Each of these decks replaces a player's normal starting deck, and modifies the player's starting Authority and hand size, in addition to adding a powerful 8-cost card to the Trade Deck.
This expansion also adds Chapter 22 to the ongoing single-player campaign.


Max: 6,89€


Min: 6,89€