Speed Demons 2 is an arcade highway racing game featuring explosive action, breakneck speeds, and very intense TRAFFIC. With a pulse-pounding soundtrack, unique side-scrolling perspectives, and TONS of varied modes, vehicles, and races, Speed Demons 2 is a thrilling blend of speed and chaos.
Speed Demons 2 is an arcade highway racing game with a unique perspective, intense action, and a surprising amount of variety. You take to the roads as one of the Demons, a chaotic highway-racing gang, or as an Enforcer, vigilantes determined to stop the Demons at any cost. Whether you want to weave through rush hour, race past your rivals, escape from Enforcers, or go on a traffic-ramming rampage, Speed Demons 2 is the game for you.
Speed Demons 2 gives you a unique view of the action, thanks its chase-camera perspectives. With 3 camera angles (straight-down, high-angle chase, and low-angle chase), you'll be racing from a different point of view. Because of this fairly unique perspective--and a generous amount of additional effects--the game's sense of speed is especially intense. To make the action more intuitive, the controls are focused on movement, not steering. You'll have gas, brake, and turbo (or ability) buttons, and you move the analog stick (or mouse) up and down to control your vehicle's direction.
Speed Demons 2's visuals are colorful, customizable, and highly-optimized. While the physics run at 120hz at all times, the visuals look great at either 60hz or 120hz, especially when played on a high-resolution monitor. The game features finely-tuned custom motion blur and tilt shift full-screen effects, but both are completely optional. The vehicles and road hazards are cel-shaded, but the outlines can be disabled if you prefer a simpler style. Regardless of which settings you use, Speed Demons 2 action remains stylish and smooth.
It's easy to jump in and enjoy a quick high-speed session of Speed Demons 2. But don't expect to "race" through the game, as there a lot of content and gameplay variety to explore. Featuring 10 gameplay modes, 70 unique vehicles, 500 races, and a 3-star scoring system, Speed Demons 2 gives you plenty of reasons to keep racing and keep coming back. The modes in the game:
RACE: Race against the same (or similar) vehicles as yours to reach the finish line first.
CHECKPOINT: Race against the clock to reach 5 checkpoints before you run out of time.
ESCAPE: Reach the finish line without being destroyed by Enforcers.
PURSUIT: (Enforcer) Destroy 8-20 specific Demons within a set time limit.
TAKEDOWN: (Enforcer) Destroy as many Demon vehicles as you can in a set time.
RAMPAGE: Destroy as many vehicles (of any type) as you can in a set time.
RALLY: Pass as many Demons as you can in a set time.
SLALOM: Race to the side of slalom markers and reach the finish line as fast as possible.
SCRATCHLESS: Reach the finish line with as few scratches as possible.
RUSH HOUR: Pass as many traffic vehicles as you can before reaching the finish line.
Each race can be attempted (and completed) in 2-4 minutes, and there are 500+ races spread across various chapters. Main chapters feature 5 or more new vehicles each, while bonus chapters provide more challenging races centered around specific themes or modes. Progression is fairly forgiving, meaning only around half of the races need to be completed to progress through the game.