
SpaceWorm is a casual retro game where you eat stars, planets and kill space-bugs.


SpaceWorm is a casual retro game where you eat stars, planets and kill space-bugs.


On your journey through the universe, decide how you will progress with upgrades.

  • - Add +1 bug to universe.
  • - Add +3 star and +1 planet for each 2 upgrades .
  • - Remove -0.8 star, planet & enemy respawn time.
  • - Remove -0.8 skills cast time.
  • - Add +25 maximum energy.
  • - Add +0.1 energy regeneration.
  • - Recover +1 HP.
  • - Add +1 worm length attack.
  • - Add +4 projectiles to worm explosion.
  • - Add +1 projectile to worm shuriken.
  • - Add +4 to worm mass.
  • - Random upgrade.


Bugs are your enemies, you can add more bugs through upgrades.

  • - Fast.
  • - Normal.
  • - Slow.
  • - Normal & Shoot projectiles.
  • - Very Slow & Spawn little-bugs.
  • - Every 4 sec, can be red, yellow or pink buffed! (only spawn when player level is 20+)


The energy allows you to run faster, attack & cast skills.

When the energy is gone, your XP will be consumed for run & attack.
Skills consume -20 energy per cast.


  • Z - Attack
  • X - Run
  • UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT - Movement
  • ESC - Go back