"Something weird in Space - A Hidden Object Adventure" is a short novel in the genre of searching for objects, in which you will plunge into the memories of a lonely astronaut stuck in orbit. Overcome the endless expanses of space, time and memory together with the hero and try to return home.
It's a kind of Space Odyssey. After all, the Odyssey is a symbol of an infinitely long journey home. And the main character of the game, Major Tom, is trying to overcome this path. But he's stuck in orbit. Even in two orbits. In the orbit of the Earth and in the orbit of life, endlessly rotating in the same circle... Together with him, the players will have to find out — what is a house and where is it located? And which space is more empty and cold — the one outside or the one inside?
Features and content:
- There are 10 locations in the game for you in or near the space theme.
- A launch pad, a flight into space, and space itself is a lot of space!
- Search for items on location!
- An interesting and slightly strange story.
- Narratives on behalf of the main character.
- Questions about the eternal.