Solnox - Grimoire of Seasons

Become the master of seasons in this tactical turn-based deckbuilder. Dominate the ever-changing battlefield by unleashing the four seasons and utilizing their terrain-altering effects. Learn to create perfect synergies & guide your three wardens to victory against unholy creatures.

Dominate the ever-changing battlefield by unleashing the four seasons and their terrain-altering effects. Learn to create perfect synergies by building your unique deck and guide your three wardens to victory against unholy creatures.

The battlefield is yours to control. Envoke the power of the seasons by using different seasonal cards to alter the tiles beneath you and your enemies. Every card played will shift the tides of battle. React to unforeseeable carnage as the enemy unleashes similar powers to cement your demise.

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Unleash unique aspects innately present within the four seasons to form mighty synergetic combos necessary to defeat unrelenting enemies. Reclaim the dying world in a futile attempt to stop the spreading corruption.

Only by merging their strengths can the wardens hope to stand a chance against the encroaching corruption. Craft your deck carefully each run or try out zany experimental combinations to further increase the synergies between your three powerful characters. With every failed attempt you’ll grow stronger, unlock new card slots and gather more potent & complex cards.