A port city located on an island in East Asia... Koto. Divided into thirteen administrative districts, beneath Koto's bustling surface lies a dark underbelly comprised of slums, black markets, cults, and assassins...
And then one day, the twelve most powerful gangs suddenly vanished, leaving only the Kyoukakai Association, which consists of a mere two members: a white-haired girl and... a penguin.
This power vacuum led to the rise of four new organizations vying for control over a period of three years. It's up to you to end the chaos!
It's fighting time, arcade style!
Classic fighting gameplay: Choose your favorite combat style to knock your opponents out of the ring!
A story woven with love and hate; conquer your opponents and make them your own!
Four female protagonists with rich personalities and unique fighting styles!
Protect the Kyoukakai at all costs!
Kyoukakai Deputy, Mutsuki Mio (JVA: 手塚りょうこ / Ryoko Teduka | CVA: 霏筱雨 / Rain)
Everyone needs love.
Holy Maiden of the Holy Church, Momoka Lilith. (JVA: 藤野むらさき / Murasaki Fujino | CVA: 伊橙 / Kurihara Risako)
Nothing is more important... than kawaii!
Fighting Game Streamer, Shiranui Chika (JVA: みたかりん / Karin Mita | CVA: 柔依 / Yawai)
A mature and belligerent babe.
Mercenary Captain, Kannazuki Shigure (JVA: 柊 奈々 / Nana Hiiragi | CVA: 柔依 / Yawai)
Win 'em over... then it's naughty time!
- 4 characters with awesome personalities
- 16 Live2D adult animations without variations
- Each CG has 8+ variations and outfit changes