Sister Ray

2D RPG about the brutal daily life of a drug addicted artist called Ray, who takes care of her little sister. Look after your condition, so no one finds out about the addiction. Improve your drawing and social skills. Do everything to get cash for another fix. Survive and look for a way out.

Sister Ray is an RPG-survival about the brutal daily life of a drug addict artist named Ray, who takes care of her little sister. Look after your condition, so no one finds out about the addiction. Improve your drawing and social skills. Do everything to get cash for another fix. Survive and look for a way out.

  • Live each game day as you see fit. The only conditions are to survive and not get caught.
  • Explore the city streets and visit important locations - the school, bar, underground casino, police station, etc.
  • Look for places to sketch or draw at home, raising your skill and opening new abilities. Maybe you’ll get to the exhibition after all?
  • Any action inevitably advances the time of day - plan ahead and do not miss important events.
  • Selling paintings, part-time work, speculation, pickpocketing - there are a great many ways to get some cash. But what will you spend it on?
  • Relationships with others are an extremely fragile thing. Try not to lose your friends.
  • The younger sister is the only person close to you. All your bad habits will become an example for her to follow. She shouldn't find out about the addiction.

    • Health: a fragile and capricious thing. Today you are sprinting away from the police, the next day you are lying on your last legs, poisoned by an unknown substance. What exactly will knock you down? Take your pick - there is death for every taste.
    • Appearance: as you know, clothes don’t make the man. But the looks certainly do here. All doors are open for an attractive girl, and therefore - who needs eloquence when you just look fabulous?
    • Self-control: take a note here, losing self-control will turn your body and mind into your worst enemies. Any action will be the result of a ruthless struggle against yourself.
      Maybe you should just give in? Surrender yourself to emotions and animal instincts!
    • Withdrawal: a faithful companion of any drug addict. Its presence becomes more tangible with every passing hour, until it overshadows every aspect of your life, inevitably taking down all other stats.