In this first-person philosophical journey, Poísis, an enthusiastic art student, explores a mysterious island in Greece. As she solves the local puzzles, she uncovers traces of its ancient inhabitants, leading her to question her own reality.
"Simulacro" is a first-person puzzle game, enriched with a narrative inspired by ancient Greek philosophy.
Poísis, an art student, ventures to a mysterious island, newly emerged due to the receding waters of Greece's majestic Lake Prespa - a change brought on by global warming. Gifted with the ability to encapsulate the essence of landscapes in her paintings, she explores the island seeking artistic inspiration. Confronted with relics of a lost civilization and enigmatic portals, Poísis grapples with a pivotal philosophical query posed by the ancients: what is the true essence of reality?
Explore Ancient Greek Ruins
Engage in Artistic Creation
Unravel the Mysteries of Existence
Philosophically-Inspired Puzzles
Immersive first-person experience.
Approximately 2 to 3 hours of thought-provoking gameplay.
Narrative grounded in the philosophical teachings of Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras.