Shardpunk - Rat Pack

Leah, the Electromancer joins the Shardpunk roster and brings shock and awe to the ratty faces of her enemies. Her electrifying powers will come in handy during encounters with brand new enemy units - Stun Lancers and Elite variants of Shardpunk's vermin.

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This is a DLC for Shardpunk.
Shardpunk - Rat Pack introduces a new playable character, Leah, the Electromancer. She’s a truly shocking addition to the Shardpunk roster.

She mastered the power of electricity and wields it to fight off the vermin hordes.

Leah's abilities include:
  • Shock Trap: Stuns enemies who enter its range
  • Blink: Teleports Leah to a selected tile in range
  • Life Drain: Drains life from enemies, damaging them, and healing Leah
  • Sacrifice: Grants Leah additional AP at the cost of HP
  • Energy Discharge: Damages and stuns multiple enemies around Leah.

Apart from Leah, the Rat Pack introduces a brand new type of enemy - Stun Lancer, a melee enemy unit that stuns your squad members when it gets too close. It’s best to keep them at a distance… as if being a rat didn’t make them repelling enough. Stun Lancers enter the roster of the vermin horde accompanied by Elite variants of Grunts, Shotgunners, Machinegunners, and Snipers. Elite units can appear as a part of a special encounter in map location. They are a bigger challenge, but drop more useful loot.