SFXEngine Bolt-on: Filter Engines

The Filter Engines Bolt-on contains 6 extra filter engines engines to boost capabilities of SFXEngine: Band Exclude Filter, Band Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, High Shelf Filter, Low Shelf Filter, and Peaking Filter.

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The Filter Engines Bolt-on contains 6 extra filter engines to boost capabilities of SFXEngine.

Band Exclude Filter is a 12dB/oct band exclude filter. Also known as a notch filter, this filter will remove a specified range of frequencies and retain the rest. You can use it to remove some mid range frequencies from a track, or produce a distinctive hollow sounding effect on white noise or distorted sounds. Modulate the frequency to produce filter sweep effects.

Band Pass Filter is a 12dB/oct band pass filter. This filter will allow through a specified range of frequencies and remove the rest. It can be used for a wide variety of effects including turning a voice into a telephone voice, hiss or bass removal. Modulate the frequency to produce band pass filter sweep effects.

High Pass Filter is a 12dB/oct high pass filter effect. This effect will remove low bass frequencies and pass only high ones.

High Shelf Filter is a 12dB/oct high shelf filter. A high shelf filter will increase (or decrease) high frequencies, rather like the treble control on an old fashioned hi-fi system.

Low Shelf Filter is a 12dB/oct low shelf filter. A low shelf filter will increase (or decrease) low frequencies, rather like the bass control on a hi-fi system.

Peaking Filter is a peaking filter with variable bandwidth. A peaking filter will boost or cut a specific range of frequencies, like one band of a graphic equaliser.


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