Sex Magic 🔮

Sex Magic 🔮 is a captivating visual novel that immerses you in a world of magic

Sex Magic 🔮 weaves a captivating visual novel, immersing you in a realm of magic, mystery, and fate. Traverse the sprawling Empire as Adam Blade, a destined wanderer, unraveling the threads of destiny amidst the enchanting city of Bloomgate.

Noteworthy Features:
• Dynamic Decision-Making: Every choice molds Adam's abilities, relationships, and the intricate tapestry of the unfolding narrative.

• Intriguing Personalities: Form bonds with a diverse array of characters, each carrying a unique past and playing a pivotal role in your extraordinary journey.
• Exquisite World Craftsmanship: Roam the picturesque landscapes of Bloomgate and unveil the mysteries concealed within its ethereal backdrop.

• Enchanting 3D Animated Encounters: Your choices unlock the most magical and intimate scenes, creating a symphony of desires with each character.

Embark on an alluring adventure in Sex Magic 🔮, where your choices sculpt the destiny of an aspiring hero amidst a world brimming with enchantment and peril!


Max: 9,75€


Min: 6,33€