Seneca 7: A Cyberpunk Odyssey Demo

As the settlers board the ship and enter cryogenic sleep they're uploaded to the S7 simulation, prepping them for the long journey to their new home. As you're uploaded to the sim something goes wrong as you become trapped. You must solve the mystery and escape the simulation or forever be trapped.

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This is a DLC for Seneca 7: A Cyberpunk Odyssey.
We're experimenting with a new way to develop videogames with Seneca 7's The Alpha Prologue.

As we develop the game we have created an episodic adventure game (think Mist) that takes place as the settlers first leave Earth and head to their new home on Seneca 7. Download the demo for free today and start playing and unlocking steam achievements to earn in-game rewards for the final release of the game.

Episode Zero - The Pilot
You have just won the opportunity of a lifetime by finding's Leon's golden ticket and scored a spot as one of the first settlers to escape this raging dumpster fire that Earth has become. As you pack your belongings and say your goodbyes you rush to the spaceport to board the ship to your new home. Once there you find you are to enter a cryogenic sleep and then are uploaded to a simulation to keep your brain active while your body is preserved. Yet your luck turns against you as you become trapped in the simulation! Can you unravel this mystery and start finding a way out of the simulation or will you be forever trapped in the sim.