Scramble: Battle of Britain

Scramble Battle of Britain is a turn-based tactical dogfighting game that puts you at the heart of the action. Lead your squadron of pilots in a desperate battle for air supremacy. Fully-simulated flight physics and powerful camera tools let you plan and execute your attacks with perfect precision.

Scramble: Battle of Britain breaks the chaos of a dogfight into short, thrilling chunks of action. Set in a dynamic 3D airspace, this simultaneous turn-based dogfighting game minimizes time and reflex demands while retaining the intricate details of aerodynamics and physics-based simulation unique to the piloting experience. Players strategically plan the maneuvers of their aircraft during simultaneous turns and witness the outcomes in real-time.

Engage in intense aerial battles as Luftwaffe and RAF fighter squadrons clash over the English Channel. Plan your flight paths, execute breathtaking maneuvers, rewind time to evaluate battle damage, and outsmart your opponents with strategic brilliance and captivating aerobatics. Get ready to take control of the skies!


Explore the heart-pounding tactical space of a dogfight within a digestible turn-based environment. Sight the enemy, identify threats and targets, then take control and command loops, rolls, and dives as you pilot each aircraft in a deadly fight for survival.
The planning phase of a Scramble turn grants players the situational awareness and control fidelity to execute textbook-quality fighter combat tactics and maneuvering. Zoom out to a diorama view of the sky and manipulate a suite of tools to understand how each plane and pilot fit into the wider battlespace.

The simulation phase of a Scramble turn resolves your tactics in a high speed hail of bullets and shredded aluminum, and the review phase allows you to scrub through the action frame-by-frame. Assess battle damage, identify pilots in need of escape, and celebrate the exhilarating action at your preferred pace, from your favorite angles.


In Scramble, aircraft are simulated down to the subcomponent level to offer an authentic World War II combat piloting experience. The best tacticians will explore the flight envelope of each airframe and master the trades in dive, climb, and turn performance.
Bullets will tear through fuel tanks, radiators, and engines, springing leaks and starting fires. Ailerons and elevators will rip off under stress, drastically altering aircraft aerodynamics. Pilots will fatigue and black out, and are as vulnerable to well placed shots as any mechanical component of their aircraft.

Nurse a sputtering engine, dash for land before that leak bleeds your fuel tanks dry, or bail out and hope for a rescue; aircraft and pilot vulnerability can shift the objectives of any battle from enemy destruction to survival.


Step into the shoes of an RAF Squadron Commander and relive the historic Battle of Britain. Recruit and train your squadron of pilots, leverage the expertise of your section leaders to guide new recruits through the shock of combat. Patrol the Channel, dismantle and repel Luftwaffe raids, poach vulnerable enemy formations. Manage the physical and emotional strain on your men, identify leaders and forge heroes. With pilots risking their lives every mission, can you keep your squadron alive in the face of relentless danger?

Aircrafts in the first release

Royal Air Force Fighters
Supermarine Spitfire
Hawker Hurricane

Luftwaffe Fighters
Messerschmitt 109
Messerschmitt 110

AI RAF Bombers
Bristol Blenheim

AI Luftwaffe Bombers
Junkers 87 “Stuka”
Dornier 17
Junkers 88
Heinkel 111