Saints Row: The Third Shark Attack Pack

Add to your wardrobe and weapon cache with the Shark Attack Pack. The Shark-O-Matic shoots out a steady stream of slimy fish guts, attracting whatever may lurk under the streets of Steelport. And if that isn't enough, the Shark Bite Hat allows you to experience the feeling of being caught in the jaws of a great white.

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This is a DLC for Saints Row: The Third.
Add to your wardrobe and weapon cache with the Shark Attack Pack. The Shark-O-Matic shoots out a steady stream of slimy fish guts, attracting whatever may lurk under the streets of Steelport. And if that isn't enough, the Shark Bite Hat allows you to experience the feeling of being caught in the jaws of a great white.


Max: 1,99€


Min: 1,99€