RPG Maker MV - Japanese Anime Voices:Male Character Series Vol.6

Continue to expand your stories and add to your male Japanese character vocabulary with Japanese Anime Voices:Male Character Series Vol.6 from TK Projects!

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This is a DLC for RPG Maker MV.
Continue to expand your stories and add to your male Japanese character vocabulary with Japanese Anime Voices:Male Character Series Vol.6 from TK Projects!

Following the very popular Japanese Anime Voices Male Character series 1-5 this pack will expand your project with more exciting and fun Japanese male anime-voices speaking very usable Japanese phrases!

Bring your anime characters to life with these common, everyday vocal phrases for Attacks, Weak & Strong, Damage, Feel down, Surprise and many, many more!


* 126 Japanese animation-like male voices (phrases)
* OGG, M4A formats included
* Male voices (in Japanese phrases) for Visual Novel Games, RPG and much more!
* English translation list included
* For use in RPG Maker MV or the engines of your choice!


1. 001_Start1.wav いくぜっ Let's go
2. 002_Start2.wav どっからでもかかってきな Come at me from whichever way you like
3. 003_Victory1.wav 俺の勝ーち I win!
4. 004_Victory2.wav よっしゃあ!勝利だぜ Alright! It's a victory
5. 005_Follow1.wav オッケー OK
6. 006_Follow2.wav やってやんよ Just do it
7. 007_Choice1.wav どうしたらいい? What should I do?
8. 008_Choice2.wav 指示をくれ Give me instructions
9. 009_Runaway1.wav にっげろー Run away
10. 010_Runaway2.wav ほんじゃなー Well then
11. 011_Tool use1.wav 使うぜ Let's use it
12. 012_Tool use2.wav これをやる Have this
13. 013_Healthy turn1.wav おっしゃ任せろ Alright, leave it to me
14. 014_Healthy turn2.wav 張り切っていくぜ Let's get it on
15. 015_Dying turn1.wav んなところで Seriously, here?
16. 016_Dying turn2.wav ちっ負けられるかよ I won't lose!
17. 017_Abnormal state turn1.wav きついぜ... This is tough...
18. 018_Abnormal state turn2.wav ちくしょう... Damn...
19. 019_Unable to fight1.wav ここ、までかよ... Is this... the end?
20. 020_Unable to fight2.wav 俺の負け、か... Have I... lost?
21. 021_Damage1.wav おわっ Uwahhh
22. 022_Damage2.wav ちいっ Tsk...
23. 023_Damage3.wav くそっ Shit
24. 024_Damage4.wav いてっ Ouch
25. 025_Damage5.wav ぐっ Ugh
26. 026_Large damage1.wav うあああ Waaaah
27. 027_Large damage2.wav いってぇえ Arrrghhhh
28. 028_Large damage3.wav んにゃろう Bastard!
29. 029_Large damage4.wav くっそおお Shiiiiiiiitt!!
30. 030_Large damage5.wav ぐううう Urrrrrrrggghhh
31. 031_No damage1.wav きかねぇぜぇ It's not working!
32. 032_No damage2.wav 屁でもねぇ Not even worth a fart
33. 033_Weak attack1.wav そらっ Argghh
34. 034_Weak attack2.wav ほっ Ho
35. 035_Weak attack3.wav はっ Hah
36. 036_Weak attack4.wav おらっ Uwarh
37. 037_Weak attack5.wav てやっ Tei-yah
38. 038_Medium attack1.wav おらよっ It's me
39. 039_Medium attack2.wav どうらっ How about it?
40. 040_Medium attack3.wav くらえっ Take this
41. 041_Medium attack4.wav どうだっ How about it!
42. 042_Medium attack5.wav せいやっ Sei-yah
43. 043_Strong attack1.wav ぶっとべぇ!! Take that!
44. 044_Strong attack2.wav かっとべぇ!! Take it!
45. 045_Strong attack3.wav どうしたどうした!! What's wrong with you, huh?
46. 046_Strong attack4.wav うおりゃああ!! Uryaaaahhhhh!!
47. 047_Strong attack5.wav これでどうだぁ!! How do you find this?
48. 048_Recover1.wav 大丈夫か? Are you alright?
49. 049_Recover2.wav 助けてやる I'll help you
50. 050_Recover3.wav サポートしてやる I'll support you
51. 051_Ok1.wav ああ Yes
52. 052_Ok2.wav おうっ Yeah
53. 053_Ok3.wav りょーかいっ Got it
54. 054_Deny1.wav いや No
55. 055_Deny2.wav んん... Hmmm...
56. 056_Deny3.wav やだよ I don't want to
57. 057_Aha1.wav ほえー Eh
58. 058_Aha2.wav ふーん Hmmmm...
59. 059_Aha3.wav ほうほう Ho-ho!
60. 060_Reply1.wav どした? What's up?
61. 061_Reply2.wav ん?呼んだか? Hm? Did you call on me?
62. 062_Reply3.wav なんか用か? Do you have anything?
63. 063_Discover1.wav んあ? Hm?
64. 064_Discover2.wav おう? Hey?
65. 065_Discover3.wav ぁんだ? What?
66. 066_Thinking1.wav うううん Ummmm...
67. 067_Thinking2.wav だぁーあたまがぁ... Arrgghh...my head...
68. 068_Thinking3.wav あれ? Hm?
69. 069_Thinking4.wav そういやぁ That's right
70. 070_Suspicious1.wav ああ? Huh?
71. 071_Suspicious2.wav ほぉおん Hannnhn?
72. 072_Joy1.wav よっしゃ Alright!
73. 073_Joy2.wav いえーい Yay!
74. 074_Joy3.wav やったぜ We did it!
75. 075_Anger1.wav んだと What did you say?
76. 076_Anger2.wav っざっけんな Don't screw around
77. 077_Feel down1.wav うん... Um...
78. 078_Feel down2.wav あーあ Aaahh
79. 079_Shyness1.wav えっと Well...
80. 080_Shyness2.wav ま、まてって Wai...wait
81. 081_Satisfaction1.wav いよっし! Alright!
82. 082_Satisfaction2.wav さいこう! Amazing
83. 083_Shy1.wav へへっ Hehehe
84. 084_Shy2.wav ま、まぁな We...well
85. 085_Surprise1.wav ええっ Eeeehh?
86. 086_Surprise2.wav マジかよ Are you serious?
87. 087_Laugh1.wav はははっ Hahahahaha
88. 088_Laugh2.wav へへへっ Hehehehehe
89. 089_Bitter smile1.wav た、はは Tsk, haha
90. 090_Bitter smile2.wav ふ、へへっ Phew, hehehe
91. 091_Grin1.wav ほぉーん Hummmmm...
92. 092_Grin2.wav へぇ~ Haaaaaahh...
93. 093_Weep1.wav くっそぉっ Shiiiiiiiit!
94. 094_Weep2.wav うう、うあああ Uuuuhhh...uwaaaaah
95. 095_Thank you1.wav さんきゅ Thanks
96. 096_Thank you2.wav あんがとな Cheers eh!
97. 097_Praise1.wav すっげぇな! Amazing!
98. 098_Praise2.wav やるじゃん Not bad!
99. 099_Apologize1.wav すまねぇ Sorry
100. 100_Apologize2.wav わりぃ Sorry 'bout that
101. 101_Amazed1.wav はぁーあ Phewww
102. 102_Amazed2.wav ふぅ Aaaaahhhh
103. 103_Abuse1.wav ああん? Hmmmm?
104. 104_Abuse2.wav この野郎 You bastard!
105. 105_Request1.wav 頼む! I'm counting on you!
106. 106_Request2.wav よろしくな Good luck with that!
107. 107_Hello1.wav よう Hey
108. 108_Hello2.wav 元気かー? How are you doing?
109. 109_Call1.wav なぁ What's up?
110. 110_Call2.wav おぉおい Yo!
111. 111_Call strongly1.wav おいってば! Come over here!
112. 112_Call strongly2.wav 聞こえてんだろ! I can hear you!
113. 113_Watch out1.wav っ! Tsk!
114. 114_Watch out2.wav アブねぇ! That was close!
115. 115_Hold1.wav よっと Hgn!
116. 116_Hold2.wav ほいっと Arrgh!
117. 117_Hand over1.wav おらよ And...hop!
118. 118_Hand over2.wav やるよ I'm doing it
119. 119_Get shocked1.wav なにっ What?
120. 120 ショック2 120_Get shocked2.wav そんなっ But...
121. 121_Good bye1.wav それじゃな Alright then
122. 122_Good bye2.wav また会おうぜ See you later
123. 123_growth_Enhanced1.wav みなぎるぜぇ I'm getting stronger
124. 124_growth_Enhanced2.wav まだまだぁ I'm not there yet
125. 125_growth_Level up1.wav もっと飛ばしていくぜ I'll beat them even harder now
126. 126_growth_Level up2.wav 誰も傷つけさせねぇ I won't let anyone hurt me now


Max: 17,15€


Min: 17,15€