Roce's Journey

Roce's Journey is a game based on the Sokoban, with 20 different puzzles and 100 levels. Players need to understand the characteristics of each mechanism and interact to solve the puzzle.


Roce's Journey is a game based on the Sokoban.

The process of solving the puzzle will be accompanied by Roce's story,
Some short stories that are not completely fictional.

May make you laugh, inspire you, may make you dissatisfied, make you confused.
But that is the story of Roce, and that is the journey of Roce.

The game presets 100 levels, and every 5 levels have new puzzles, so there are 20 different puzzles in the game.
Players need to understand the characteristics of each object and the interaction between the objects in order to solve the puzzle.

In addition, you can find level screenshots in the game folder, which may help you see the larger map clearly.