Rhythm Reunion Soundtrack

Listen to all the music from the indie visual-novel 'Rhythm Reunion'! All tracks were composed by the incredibly talented 'Snosm'

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This is a DLC for Rhythm Reunion - Indie Dating Sim Visual Novel.

The band is getting back together! Haven't you heard?! 'Summer Vacation' is reuniting for one last gig! I heard a rumour that they're playing this weekend, down at the local club. We just HAVE to go and see them!

Listen to all the music from the indie visual-novel 'Rhythm Reunion'! All tracks were composed by the incredibly talented 'Snosm'!

Below you can find each track name, and where you can find them in game!

Martin - Robot Rhythm
EMA - Burger Bop with Anime Pop
Harold - Spells and Metal Triangles
Max Power - Midnight Whispers of Detective Powers
Crimson Steele - Dance of the Derelict

Full band playing - 104 days of Summer Vacation

Main menu - Händel of Love
Poster Menu - Swampy's Rhythm


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