Resolutiion Artbook: Polychromatic

Over 270 pages, Polychromatic collects the art of Resolutiion from prototype ideas and sketches to final assets and promotional material.

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This is a DLC for Resolutiion.
Resolutiion was developed by two angry German brothers over five years, without any prior game design knowledge,or experience in pixel art.

Over 270 pages, Polychromatic collects the art of Resolutiion from prototype ideas and sketches to final assets and promotional material. It captures the brothers’ game-dev journey and reveals how mad musings evolved into madder characters, and vibrant pixels shaped vast landscapes.

It’s a chance for everyone to study, learn, and enjoy the process of making video games, Polychromatic is a manifesto on human creation: if these guys can craft their own digital realm, so can anybody.