Step into a chilling world set in 1980s Japan, inspired by the haunting tales of Junji Ito. You are a schoolgirl on your way home, navigating an urban street filled with sinister and unsettling details. Each step you take, each choice you make, can lead you closer to safety or deeper into the unknown.
In this interactive horror experience, every decision matters. Choose your path wisely as you unravel the hidden horrors lurking in the shadows. The remnants of the macabre await you, offering a journey into a realm where fear and curiosity collide.
Key Features:Atmospheric Horror: Immerse yourself in a meticulously crafted world inspired by 1980s Japan, filled with eerie and unsettling details.
Interactive Storytelling: Your choices shape the narrative, leading to multiple possible outcomes. Will you find safety or uncover something far more sinister?
Observational Gameplay: Pay close attention to your surroundings to uncover hidden horrors and secrets that lurk in the shadows.
Junji Ito Inspired: Experience a game that draws inspiration from the master of macabre, bringing a unique blend of psychological and supernatural horror.
Prepare to walk the streets of fear and curiosity, where every decision counts. Will you find your way home, or will the unknown consume you?