Red Tape

Explore 9 levels of corporate hell as you work to clear your name with the Devil and restore balance between Heaven and Hell.

Welcome to Hell Incorporated. You've been chosen from a host of the deserving dead to experience 9 circles of employment satisfaction. You play as an angel trapped in hell due to a paperwork mishap. You'll have to explore the 9 circles of Hell Inc., fight through hellish bureaucracy, and cut all the red tape to get an audience with the Devil himself. You'll be running, jumping, waiting in line, and experiencing a corporate hell first hand. Climb through the ranks and help solve problems in all 9 circles of hell.

LIMBO - Reception
LUST - Human Resources
GLUTTONY - Dining Hall
GREED - Accounting
WRATH - Customer Service
HERESY - Marketing
FRAUD - Legal
VIOLENCE - Planning
TREACHERY - Administration


  • A fully-realized corporate hell
  • 9 unique departments separated into 3 sections
  • A colorful cast of characters