Red Embrace: Mezzanine

1996—Miami, FL. At the bottom of a downward spiral, Beth meets an inhuman stranger. Will she accept the new, dark gift he offers?

December 29th, 1996—Miami, FL.

At the bottom of a downward spiral, Beth has nowhere else to go.

Then, she meets a lonely stranger on the rooftop—a man who can unravel her deepest thoughts.

When he offers her a chance at a new beginning in another, darker world, Beth finds herself faced with a decision. Will she try to remake her life and fix her mistakes, or will she throw everything away for a new existence?

Her ultimate fate is up to you.

Features List
★ 7,000 words
★ 2 endings
★ 30-45 minutes playtime
★ Dark trip-hop soundtrack
★ Accessibility Features: Closed captions, OpenDL font, screen reader compatibility, font scaling

Red Embrace: Mezzanine is a short, free visual novel/point-and-click game set in the vampire-themed Red Embrace universe.

It is a prologue for our upcoming narrative RPG, Red Embrace: Paradisus. While the new game's setting/characters will be different, the storyline is hinted at in Red Embrace: Mezzanine.

Previous Red Embrace titles include the original game (a BxB visual novel) and Red Embrace: Hollywood (any gender MC, a long VN with many endings).


Management/Programming/Background Art

Character Art
Soan Valentine

Key Visual
Sonia Grobelny