Rainbow Dreams

Join Luka Sanguis, a college student unwittingly married to a Goddess, as he uncovers the mysteries of the world around him in this slice of life/comedy visual novel. Living a double life, Luka tangles with both his personal troubles as well as his role in saving the world from Daemons.

The following is a fictional story. All names and characters featured herein are above 18 years old and bear no relation to any other person, real or fictional.


Join Luka Sanguis, a college student unwittingly married to a Goddess, as he uncovers the mysteries of the world around him in this slice of life/comedy visual novel.


The universe of Gaea is in a state of perpetual peace as time flows by without any intervening cause, until the world's creator and goddess, Myra Orbis, decides to vacate her position in Elysium to enter the human world.

It is modern day in our world, in a time not too distant from ours. Luka Sanguis, a traumatized, anti-social college student has his life turned upside down when a mysterious girl with glistening white hair appears in his room, claiming to be his wife.

Between hunting Daemons by night and dealing with the struggles of personal life by day, Luka must now deal with another trouble - tangling with God herself.


  • Crisp, High Quality Anime Art
  • Unique, 3D Camera
  • 8+ hours worth of story
  • Beautiful VFX
  • Dynamic Animations
  • Meaningful Choices
  • Interesting characters and a deep world, hidden with secrets
  • Ambient OST


Max: 8,19€


Min: 8,19€