Featuring unique animated effects, the Ultimate Raptor Pack includes several highly detailed and eyecatching looks for both Oviraptor and Novaraptor!
Previously only available as ultra-rare drops, these gloriousy glowing skins are now bundled together for the first time along with their accompanying strange particle effects...
Centigrade: Burning with rage, these dinosaurs have glowing hot magma coursing through their veins!
Cold Fusion: Species exposed to cherenkov radition, with a ghostly blue glow emanating from within.
Kilowatt: Pulsing with electricity, energy radiates throughout their bodies.
Thalassic: Infused with bioluminescent characteristics, intricate patterns illuminate their skin.
For those who have absolutely no need for camouflage on the battlefield, dazzle your enemies with an array of spectacular patterns and effects!