Pogo Girlfriend 👧🏼

A foddy-like pogo game with a lot of heart! Play with your friends!

The friendliest rage game!

Your having a lovely meal.
You nip out to the loo.
When you return your girlfriend is missing.

You run outside, and a rocket ship is flying towards space.
Is your girlfriend in the rocket?
Your only option is to give chase and find out!

Use your pogo to navigate the the world.
Find checkpoints located off the beaten track
Each checkpoint can be relocated once to any spot the player choses!

Can be useful for making the gaps between checkpoints smaller.
But can still be useful in speedruns.
Leaving a checkpoint at a junction you wish to return to quickly later!
Touch the original checkpoint location to reset the flag and allow it to be placed somewhere new.

Create lobbies!
And race with against your friends!

Can you be the pogo king?
Race against the clock to post times to the global leader board!


Max: 0,99€


Min: 0,99€


“And back down the hole we go!”
7/10 – SpooderlingKing

“The style won't appeal to everyone, but it certainly worked for me.”
6/10 – Hooked Gamers